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Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre is pleased to offer a variety of retreats, days of prayer and renewal, and workshops throughout the year. Click on the links below for program information and registration instructions.

Retreats and Workshops

Ongoing Activities


Call 905 356 4113 for details and dates




Mondays at 10am, Wednesdays at 10am. Fridays at 10am


Hosted by: Fr. Thomas Hakala O. Carm.


Meditation will be held in the Niagara room on the 4th floor.

Cost: Free will offering


You are invited to come and experience meditation as a way of bringing peace, harmony and joy to your life. Meditation is a way to assist you live a mindful life, to enhance your day-to-day awareness by living in the present moment.


​Being is the capacity of our being: and now, in this moment, we recognize, acknowledge , and submit ourselves. We remind ourselves of this each time we live in the moment. This particular moment this is now making us joyous becomes the continuing moment of every day of every year.


“ New to silent meditation?  If you want, plan to arrive 10 minutes before starting time, to receive some simple instruction on the process. It’s really as simple as ‘just sitting there!’ in God’s Presence and listening. “




Monday thru Friday


The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated on weekdays at 11:15 AM in the Canadian National Shrine of St. Therese the Little Flower.


All are Welcome!



Monthly Sessions


Spiritual direction sessions are available on a monthly basis. Please call Centre at 905-356-4113 for information.




see dates at READ MORE button


A group of separated and divorced Catholics meet every other Monday for prayer, input and sharing. Call the Catholic Centre  905-684-0154 for information. Please note that you do not have to be Catholic to attend. Everyone is welcome!





Emotions Anonymous


Now led virtually. Please contact for details




An Ancient Path for Today’s Pilgrim


Lay Carmelites are Roman Catholic men and women who seek to embrace God’s Will in the ordinary circumstances of everyday life.


We are part of an 800-year-old tradition of contemplative prayer, community and ministry.



For more information contact:

Trudy at 905-732-0670




One Day Workshops 



Date: Sat Oct 19 (930am-330pm)

Led by: Anna Racine

Cost: $70 (includes lunch)


Getting Angry is only the tip of the Iceberg. Anger is a secondary emotion. Understanding the cause of anger is the first step to managing it.


This Workshop will identify the causes of anger and explore our own beliefs and patterns of response. Learn how to respond to anger on a day-to-day basis in a healthy, constructive, and creative ways.



Click here for presenter bio


To register call 905 356 4113 or email





Autumn Retreat Day


Date: Sat October 26th (9:30-3:30)​

Cost; $70 (includes lunch)

Led by: Beth Woelk



A day to reflect upon the images, invitations, and wisdom of the season. Autumn’s energy of release and surrender calls us to consider what is no longer serving us well and we might be invited to let go of. Equally, this season also lifts our spirits as we practice gratitude and notice that which is abundant, fruitful, and sweet in our lives.


This retreat will include group times, time for individual reflection and stillness, a contemplative walk on the beautiful Monastery grounds, a guided labyrinth walk, and a delicious lunch! 


An opportunity to pause, rest, and reconnect with oneself, kindred souls, God’s Spirit, and the Earth's rhythms. A gift that will allow us to re-engage our lives in refreshed and replenished ways.


Find out more about Beth at


​​​Click here for presenter bio



Call 905 356 4113 to register or email



Faith Matters Evening Reflection Series





Life is a magnificent faith journey that yields life blessings of endurance,  confidence and peace.  

This new series presents powerful lessons on how you can make your journey matter.


The evening begins with a presentation followed by discussion   and ends with a prayer service.




Date: Tues Nov 19 6:30pm-8:30pm

Cost: $35


God freely offers us salvation if we believe in His Son and follow Him. God is the Creator and Sustainer of all life, and we are created in His image. 

Saving can be a good thing. But can you really save for your salvation?  Can you have a ‘Salvation Bank Account?’ The story of Simon the Pharisee offers serious food for thought.



To REGISTER Call 905 356 4113 or email




Date: Tues Dec 3 6:30om-8:30pm

Cost $35


We worship God for His abundant mercy and await the promised day when we shall be with Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, forever in God’s kingdom on earth.

Do trees need wind to thrive? What lessons can we learn from the glory of nature about how life’s trials produce a strong faith.


“See the Glory”


To REGISTER Call 905 356 4113 or email







Date: Sat Nov 23 (930am-330pm)

Led by: Anna Racine

Cost: $70 (includes lunch)


There’s an elephant in the room, and its name is grief. We don’t know how to grieve, and we don’t understand it. Grief is not a race or an event.  Grief is a process and is a natural response to loss.  Grief happens one step at a time, one day at a time.

This Workshop is open to anyone who has experienced loss or change in their lives. Using various methods, we will uncover the mysteries of grief and learn ways to cope. Discover how to take care of yourself as you grieve one day at a time. An opportunity to share your grief story in a safe and supportive environment where you will be provided with tools to move forward through the grief process.

“Learning how to grieve in your own way and on your own terms is the first step to healing.”


Click here for presenter bio


To register call 905 356 4113 or email



Advent Retreat Day

AWAKEN HOPE ~ Journeying into Advent with the Heart of Mary


Date: Sat, Nov 30 9:30-3:30

Cost: $70

Led by: Beth Woelk


Advent is a time that shimmers with mystery and possibility, longing and solace. This retreat will offer a space of rest and stillness to listen deeply to our lives, to one another, to Divine whispers, and to the invitations of the season. Allow Mary to be your companion and guide in places of uncertainty, waiting, and yearning.

Weaving together reflection, music, art, writing, silence, time for individual contemplation and conversation with kindred souls, this day will help you enter the holiday season with deep intention and awakened hope. There will be opportunities to walk the labyrinth and wander the beautiful Monastery property. A delicious lunch is provided.


Find out more about Beth at

Click here for presenter bio


To register call 905 356 4113 or email





Date :Sat Dec 7 (930am-330pm )

Led by: Anna Racine

Cost: $70 (includes lunch)


Forgiveness is perhaps the most powerful and yet forgotten tool we have for healing ourselves. To forgive another heals oneself, just as anger toward another hurts oneself. Anger and resentment destroy our lives - compassion and forgiveness bring us peace.

In order to heal the body, often times what is most vital is to heal the broken heart or spirit.


Forgiveness is a complex process that can liberate us or we can allow the pain of unforgiveness to chain us with bitterness and regret.  Forgiveness is a choice that requires courage.  At this Workshop discover the tools to start your healing journey.

“Harness the Healing Power of Forgiveness”



Click here for presenter bio


To register call 905 356 4113 or email​​




A Trip For A Lifetime!


Date: Sat. JAN 18 9:30am-3:30

Cost: $70 (includes lunch)

Led by: Anna Racine


The most important journey we will ever embark on in life is our spiritual journey.  But sometimes we spend more time planning a trip than we do planning our faith journey.  Many of us do not understand what spiritual growth is and why it is crucial to our wellbeing.


Spend the day discerning where you are in your spiritual life and find ways to nurture it. Explore your spiritual journey, as you reflect on the ups and downs, the challenges and triumphs, and the moments of profound insight and inspiration. Discover new depths of meaning and purpose in your life as you find ways to grow in faith, clarity, and wisdom.


The most important trip you will ever take is the path towards a richer, more meaningful spiritual life.”


Click here for presenter bio


To register call 905 356 4113 or email






Date: Sat. FEB 8 9:30am-3:30pm

Cost: $70

Led by : Anna Racine


Who am I?  Where am I going? What is the meaning and purpose of my life? Have you ever struggled with these questions?  You are not alone.  Many of us go through life without ever finding the answers. Some of us look to others for these answers rather than looking deep inside ourselves.


Self-knowledge is crucial and is the stepping stone to living a happier and more fulfilling life.  In this Workshop we will explore the process involved in starting the journey of self discovery. Find ways to honour your true self and discover the gift of knowing yourself.


“There are few things more exciting than knowing who you are

and who you want to become”


Click here for presenter bio


To register call 905 356 4113 or email


Overnight Retreats
(Prices include accommodation and meals)


​​​​RETREAT WITH THE LORD – Deepening Our Relationship With God


Date: Nov 1-3

Led by: Anna Racine

Cost: $350


Would you like to know God personally? What does it take to begin a relationship with God?  A relationship deepens through time spent together. Human friendships need to be worked on consistently or they tend to drift away. The same goes for our relationship with God

Deepening our relationship with God, like with any relationship, takes work. The more we commit to this, we will see our relationship with Him deepen.


This Retreat is an opportunity to come away to a safe, sacred space to reflect on your relationship with your Loving Creator. To listen for the still, small voice of God.


Develop tools that will lead you to consistent daily conversations with God, He’s waiting to hear from us! Find ways to welcome the Lord into every moment of your day.


When you retreat with the Lord, you are creating a spiritual practice that is rich and alive and full of hope. An opportunity for you to feel refreshed and renewed by God’s gentle grace, you will leave this retreat affirmed by God’s unconditional love, ready to continue your faith journey and to answer the call of God, wherever it may lead.

Join us and spend precious moments with the One who chooses you, blesses you, and calls you to a life full of promise.


“One encounter with God can change everything”.


Click here for presenter bio


Call 905 356 4113 t register or email





Date: Sun. NOV 17-23

Cost: $820 room and board (+ art supplies)


​Master Iconographer will guide students through creating one complete icon (to be determined).



Any level of experience is accepted. Each step is demonstrated to students, followed by time to copy what has been taught. Students will learn: filling in, rendering clothes and flesh, 23 karat gold leafing, and varnishing. In addition, students will gain familiarity with ruling pens an ruling pen compasses, and information of preparation of panels for painting.


Students will need to pre order their art  boards and supplies directly through master iconographer.- call centre for details


Enrollment is limited so register early.


To register call 905 356 4113 x 4200

or email




Date: Fri Jan 3 -Sun Jan 5

Led by: Kathryn McMorrow

Cost: $350

*Please register by Dec 10


A weekend to bid farewell to last year and to create some space for the challenges and blessings waiting in the wings of 2025. Through mini-presentations, group work, prayer and personal reflection, participants will acquire tools for letting go of the old and welcoming the new, with a greater awareness of where they want to put their energy in the coming year.


Bring last year’s calendar/agenda. Candlelight dress-up dinner and social evening on Saturday.  All in the welcoming environment of Mount Carmel.

For more information email questions to Kathryn at REGISTRATION IS THROUGH MOUNT CARMEL.


Click here for presenter bio


Call 905 356 4113 to register or email



“The Times They are A-Changin”

 – A Retreat for Walking the Path of Change and Transition in Your Life


Date:  Jan 24-26, 2025

Led by: Anna Racine

Cost: $350


Life is full of changes. Sometimes those changes are welcome and sometimes they are not. Are you feeling as if you are in transition as you navigate a new phase of life? Maybe there are dramatic changes that are out of your control - the loss of a loved one, a relationship, change in health or a job? Perhaps there are expected shifts in your life such as retirement, empty-nesting, or moving into a new house, and you are surprised it is taking time for you to adjust.


 We all feel unnerved by this upheaval. We're concerned that our lives are not what we expected, that we've veered off course, living life out of order. But we're not alone.

Regardless of what you are experiencing, it is important to give yourself the sacred time and space to honor it, reflect on it, and discover new life from it. Explore the various emotions associated with change and how to adjust and cope when change arrives.


This weekend is an opportunity to think deeply about the times of change in your life and how to transform them into periods of creativity and growth. Find strategies and tools to adapt to the changes and begin to rebuild and create your new life. Find meaning out of your time of transition and feel supported as you navigate this uncertain time.


“Be open to the transformation that change can bring.”


Click here for presenter bio


Call 905 356 4113 to register or email





Date: Feb 21-23

Cost: $350

Led by : Anna Racine


Discovering life’s purpose has been a mission of man since the beginning of time. People have always felt the desire to do something that changes the world, or at least their world. God created us each with a purpose. Have you ever uttered the words, “What is my purpose in life, God?” or “Is there more to life than this, God?”

A sense of purpose is central to a productive, joy-filled life. People with a stronger sense of purpose live longer than those who feel aimless. So, what if you're feeling lost and unsure of what you're meant to do with your life?

God wants you to discover His purpose for you more than you do. Your purpose is not just about you; it’s about what God wants to do through you.

This weekend will provide an opportunity to find tools to discern your God-given purpose and learn how to align yourself with your soul’s deepest calling. Find ways to become more intentional in how you live out this purpose.


“You were created on purpose, for a purpose, and with a purpose.”


Click here for presenter bio


Call 905 356 4113 to register or email




Directed and Private


Call the Centre Office for availability


Call for rates and availability


A directed retreat for can be an inspirational experience. There is daily opportunity to meet with a spiritual companion who listens as you share your prayer experience. Sometimes we need time away from our busy schedules to relax, pray and reflect. A directed retreat can be arranged for three to seven days.

For those who seek time alone without a spiritual companion, a private retreat may help nurture your inner self.  A private retreat can last from one to five days. 


Accommodation and meals are provided.


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